We grow by your side
Aware that we educate not only with what we know, but also with what we are, our pedagogical team has been carefully formed. It combines dynamism, experience, and professional skills with a deep passion for working with early childhood.
We take on a participatory leadership management, where the different points of view and knowledge complement each other in the quest for the best educational responses and mutual enrichment. Because educating is questioning and teaching is never failing to learn, our team is guided by an educational approah of constant improvement, with consistent and continuous practices of:
– Research and reflection
– Critical analysis of theories, models, and methodologies
– Expansion of curricular and pedagogical skills
– Awareness of ethical attitudes and relationships
– Promotion of cooperation as a factor of professional enrichment
– Promotion of inclusion policies

Meet our team
Our team of professionals was selected through the rigour of combining a solid academic background with a deep passion for working with children, with a profile of skills for the performance of the functions taken on by each one as the criterion.
The Administration and Management are present in the daily life of Xilling Baby, in a strong leadership of a solid team of professionals with knowledge and resources that complement and enrich each other in the search for quality educational answers.