By their side, always.
The Xilling Baby permanent team is made up of consultants in specialised areas in order to develop and create healthy living habits, from a biological, psychological, and social perspective in the educational context. We develop partnerships with specialised professionals because your child's happiness is also related to their health.

The infant nutritional consultation focuses on the individual needs of each child, evaluating and guiding the food routine, nutritional intake, and giving support to families about difficulties in this specific area.
Speech Therapy
Speech Therapy is dedicated to the prevention, evaluation, and treatment of human communication disorders and related changes.
The Doctor’s Office is intended for the protection and promotion of the health and well-being of the child, integrated into their emotional, cognitive, educational, and social life.
The proposal is to intervene, as early as possible, in order to prevent adverse situations and leveraging healthy growth, with a positive influence on the future balanced growth of children.
By monitoring and intervening in the child’s learning, in the development of their behaviours, in the impact of the environment in which they are inserted, psychology responds to the specific needs of children and families: promoting adaptation, emotional stability, cognitive stimulation, and interaction with others. The Psychologist focuses on the performance of group activities and the individual monitoring of the child, whenever necessary.
Occupational Therapy
The occupational therapist observes the performance of the person (at any age and activity) with difficulty in practising some action and, from the diagnosis, elaborates an intervention plan so that the person is able to perform the same activity with greater ease and less pain.
Ophthalmological and Dental Screenings
In order to diagnose problematic situations and prevent aspects harmful to the health of the child, we propose carrying out periodic screenings to advise on preventive measures and possible interventions.